FAQ And Policy Information

What is your refund policy?

We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you don’t love your vegan leather bag contact us, send the bag back within 30 days and we’ll issue you a full refund.

Do you ship to my country?

Yes. We ship globally.

How much does shipping cost?

Nothing. We ship for free to everywhere.

I made a mistake in my shipping address — is it too late to change it?

Maybe not. Contact us as soon as possible.

How long will it take to get my order?

Depending on your location, usually between 1 and 4 weeks.

What are the bags made of?

Our vegan leather bags are made from high quality tough fabric based non-woven microfiber leather with a polyuretane resin coating. We believe this material is environmentally better than other alternatives such as vinyl or cow leather. It is strong and easy to clean, has a natural flexible leather feel and is resistant to water as well as staining, scratching and tearing.

What are my payment options?

You can checkout using PayPal, ShopPay, Apple Pay or pay with American Express, Visa or Mastercard through the secure service Stripe. In some countries it is also possible to pay using iDEAL, Bancontact and/or Klarna.

How safe is it to order online? 

We only use the safest payment processing services on the web. If you have any security questions or concerns please check out our payment processors security measures or contact us for more information.

Where are the bags manufactured? 

All bags are made in and shipped from our partnering production sites in China.

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